Hotels in Toraja

Tourists who want to stay in the center of Toraja has many choices as there are many diverse small and large hotels although few have a website. However, you can book a hotel through a travel agent.

If you have an adventurous spirit or backpacker then you can try sleeping in a country house.

Here is a list of addresses hotels in Tana Toraja.

Toraja Prince Hotel is a three star hotel located in Rantepao.
Phone : 62-423-21407, 21458, 21475 Fax : 62-423-21475

Other Hotels are :

Misiliana Toraja Hotel in poros Makele - Rantepao

Marante Toraja Hotel in poros Palopo str, PO Box 52, Rantepao

Pantan Hotel on the Pongtiku street 116-118, Makale, Tana Toraja

Indra Toraja Hotel

Sahid Toraja Hotel

Toraja Heritage  Hotel
